Project Steps
1. Wipe off medallion with paint thinner - this one had lots of dirt in the crevices
2. Wipe off with a clean rag
3. Spray with Zinsser BIN Primer
4. Allow to fully dry one hour
5. Apply two to three light coats of Rust-Oleum's Stops Rust in Cherry
**Quick Tip - Be sure to allow at least 35 to 40 minutes in between coats - I even applied one coat and after 48 hours went back and applied the final two
6. Once fully dry - about 24 hours tie on decorative ribbon
Project Materials
- Decorative Ceiling Medallion (mine was 52")
- Zinsser BIN Primer
- Rust-Oleum's Stops Rust in CHERRY
- Decorative Ribbon
- Paint Thinner